Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My goodness.

Tomorrow is my blogiversary! (A post of Jillian's made me realize this.)
A whole year. Hmm. What direction should it go for 2010? Any thoughts, people?

Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas, my lovely readers!
I hope that, in your haste to discover what loot awaited you this morning, you didn't forget for whom we celebrate. :)
I got a slew of nice stuff this Christmas... one of my favorite gifts was a sign that my dad made for me... It says, in fancy-ish black letters on a white background, "The Queen Is Not Amused". :D I like it ever so. I bought "Gravity" by Sean McDonald with my brand-spankin' new iTunes card today. I love that song. BUT, "His Favorite Christmas Story" by Capital Lights is simply wonderful... I cried the first time I heard it on the radio. I don't know if I'll buy it, though... I think it's just a bit odd to buy Christmas songs after Christmas.

Do you ever feel like you just don't really get it? I've heard so very much about Jesus' life and ministry, but for some reason my brain can't wrap itself around the fact that it actually happened. It's a side-effect of being a reader from my youth, I suppose... when one reads mostly fiction, it can be difficult to grasp the concept of reality. Grr. Even here, I'm using fancy words to try to impress people. Pray for me, please. Signin' off.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Epic weekend.
Sam's b-day party on Saturday :D I ate a ridiculous amount of garlic bread. Jackie, McKayla, Kristina, Sam, Diisle, and I were there, as well as some of Sam's family. We watched a lot of Taylor Swift videos and tried out Sam's snazzy new camera, then watched 13 Going on 30...   and Anneliise and I stayed up 'til around four having theological discussions. Thennn, a few hours later, we all headed off to church and delved into the story of David and Goliath (again). Later that day was the big choir performance - fun! It was, for the most part, a great success. And afterwards we had cookies :D
Ohhh yeah... did you know that Americans spend enough money on ice cream each year to provide basic health care, nutrition, and water for the whole world? 0_0 20 billion dollars...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Titleless. Not.

I've just been immersed in great music lately... including, but certainly not limited to:
*American Dream - Casting Crowns
*Stand for You - Jonny Diaz
*Barlow Girls - Superchick (This might just be my new theme song :P)
School has been taking FOREVER. Today I had a bit of an excuse because I had to write an outline and a 600-word character analysis for English, but I'm just really frustrated by the amount of time that I waste. *sigh*
Turkey Bowl was funnn :D I actually caught the ball. Unfortunately, I was so surprised that I just stood there and someone ripped off my flag :/ but my team won (because Jorgen is The Awesomer.)
Youth group today was different, but cool. We just worshiped... watched a "Best of Planet Earth" video of some of earth's wonders, sang, and prayed a lot.
QOTD: "Lord... You are so much bigger than any words that exist on this earth..." (Or something to that effect. I thought it was really profound.) ~ Samantha
SOTD: Just Love You Like I Love You - Alexon

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Catching up...

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
I was preparing for today with my Aunt Sharon for 2 days beforehand... making pies, scones, rolls, and more. Yummm :) Afterwards, Daniel played on an airplane simulator of Uncle Ken's, and then we watched Brian Regan. After a few rounds of Bananagrams, we headed home. Dad is reading "Gone Away Lake" right now, and it's really hard to concentrate on the reading whilst I write here.
Since I wrote last, I saw what was purportedly a Russian Folk-rock concert, but it was really more Pop-folk. The band, Spasenie, came from Belarus and is currently on tour in the U.S. I love their song, Paper Boat :)  Many of the songs that they played were in Russian, but they had English lyrics up.
QOTD: Fun is a good thing, but only when it spoils nothing better. ~ George Santayana
SOTD: Autumn ~ Spasenie

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Que irritante!

I just heard this really awesome song, Desperate (by Fireflight), on Air1, but iTunes hasn't got it :(
Aaaand nobody has the lyrics either.
I am learning to play "Meant to Live" and "More Than Fine" by Switchfoot. Long live drop D!
Hmm, not much went on this week. Helped out with Operation Christmas Child on Monday & Tuesday, and packed my shoebox on Wednesday. I used the EZ give option ( ...  Advertising? Who, me? Perish the thought!) so I shall be able to track my box and see where it's going.
I'm reading Desiring God by John Piper (yes, Diisle, I really am reading it), but I'm not beginning at the beginning... I suppose that's where I started to read, but the following chapters just looked so interesting...
Hey A. G., help me out here. Who are you? Do I know you, or did you just stumble across my little blog?
QOTD: Fish and visitors stink in three days. ~ Benjamin Franklin
(Note: Especially if you don't let them use your shower! :P )
SOTD: A Message ~ Coldplay

Friday, November 13, 2009

I just watched Up again on the big screen and remembered why I loved it so much. Sigh... love that's pure is hardly seen at all in the movies anymore.
Isn't this clever?
Halloween Costume Win
see more Epic Fails

Thursday, November 12, 2009


What is UP with abortion?
Who do some people think they are?
Why do they think it's okay to sacrifice their children on an altar of self-centeredness?
This world is really messed up.
QOTD: (see third "why" above)
SOTD: Broken Inside - (We as Human) This song makes me cry. A pro-life anthem.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nothin' much going on, but I want to put a QOTD and SOTD so here they are.
QOTD: "I've got my hands at Redemption's side/His scars bigger than/these doubts of mine..." - from "Redemption", by Switchfoot
SOTD: Hot Air Balloon - Owl City

Sunday, November 1, 2009

*un*Halloween parties are fun :D

Friday was my church's unHalloween party - so  so much fun! I played Ultimate Frisbee better in my dress than I play in my regular clothes... mountainball by strobe light messes with your head, but wheen you dance it looks like you're in an old-time movie :)
More later (probably-ish)... only have about 10 min. left on compy.
QOTD: Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
SOTD: (If you are feeling or want to feel happy): A Flowery Song - Five Iron Frenzy
alternate SOTD: (If you'd prefer thoughtful): Dizzy - Sixpence None the Richer

Thursday, October 29, 2009

guess where I am?

No, really. Guess.

and another...

Here's one...


I'm instituting a new feature for the blog... 
1. A quote of the day (or post, because I'm probably not going to post every day.)
2. A song of the day (not free, mind you. Just listen to it on or something. That'll be an easier to handle replacement for those massive lists of songs I used to put up here :P)
Daily quote: Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. - Benjamin Franklin
Daily song: One Time - Earthsuit

Monday, October 26, 2009


The youth group I went to was ridiculously fun.  Message was good, worship was good, and I met waaay more people than I will probably remember all the names of.

Homecoming was rather fun, but Anneliise could be right in her assertion that slow dancing,  at least the way it was done at the dance we went to, is rather stupid. Sam - the same girl who I could barely drag out on the dance floor two years ago - is now apparently recognized by the junior class as their best dancer... they picked her for a dance-off, which she rocked. I got to hang out with Rachel 1 & Kristina B. also. Liisle came over to my house afterwards and we stayed up pretty late talking, which was very enjoyable but unfortunate because...

...the next morning I woke up at around 5 to get ready and go to *** ***** (if you know me, you know where I went but I'm not going to post it because of possible creepy stalkers). The sermon was good, the concert went well (I worked the merch table and sold 5ish cds), and I got to talk to Liz & Sean again (though not at the same time). After loading up the car, dad & I came back home, having listened to primarily rock-y songs on the way with the purpose of staying awake. Dad showed his usual amazing time-management skills by predicting to the minute - from an hour or so away - when we'd get home... and we did. 0_o

Friday, October 23, 2009

The days are just packed!

And not just for Calvin and Hobbes...
Went to Park Day today, and later tonight I'm going to Calvary's youth group. Tomorrow is Homecoming :D ! And Sunday I'm going with dad to see some of my pals at a church he's playing a gig at. Monday night is a CFC presentation, so I'm going to that too.
I love having stuff to do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Arrgh, having to put titles for posts is perfectly silly.

I've been watching an inordinate amount of movies lately, including but not limited to:
*August Rush (Love love love!)
*School of Rock (I think Jack Black sounds like my cousin Scott.)
*Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Almost as good as Up [but minus some of the pathos]. Very well-done. "This tastes significantly better than sardines!")
*Mission Impossible 3 (They keep using the same tricks over and over... and I keep falling for them. Sigh. I really thought he killed Ethan's wife at the beginning.)
*Catch Me If You Can (Okay, but not amazing. Not recommended.)
*The Beatles: Help! (Weird, but I like British humor.)
*(in progress) An Unfinished Life (So far, lots and lots of profanity. :\ )

Dad, Dan & I cleaned up the aftermath of the storm in the yard on Friday, then helped the Kubes move into their new apartment today. Had pizza for lunch and dinner, and Jamba Juice in between (I rather like the Strawberry Surf Rider.)

Also, mes amies, the site that I got my template from (pyzam) has a scam thing that pops up after you click out of it, so if you're the gullible type, steer clear.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I haven't enough sense...

..., quite literally, to come in out of the rain. I went for a leisurely hour-and-15-minute stroll around the beach in the downpour today. During the walk, I found myself belting out parts of "Saturate Me", "Rain Down", and, of course, "Singin' in the Rain". It was pretty amazing to watch the waves slamming themselves against the rocks down at the shore. Two people asked me if I was alright (because why would anyone not in trouble be trudging along in that gale?), and two more asked me if I needed a ride. You know that stereotype about women being the more compassionate gender? Baaaaloney. (Or maybe they're just smart enough to know that only ia very crazy person would be out there.) Oh yeah, mom asked me if I wanted a ride too, but she kinda has to say that.

It was funny to watch the birds trying to fly down by the water - they weren't exactly going in the direction I think they intended!
Not so funny was the moment when I decided that I was quite done rain-walking - because I was nowhere near my house. Spirits and clothes dampened (drenched, really), I plodded my way back to the house, where I had mom take a picture of my sodden self (it might end up posted here someday with the caption "What rain"?). It was an experience.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Anne Bradstreet was an amazing poet from ye olde tymes. Look her up and look for "An Author to Her Book" or "Verses Upon the Burning of Our House".

Went to Plato's Closet yesterday and goofed around with Sam and Liisle for awhile. (Hahahaha, matching lime-green dresses...:P Funny funny.) I found 2 black skirts, one boring and functional, the other rather cute - then went and got breadsticks.

1st chorus rehearsal today... fun :) I think I'm a soprano.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Por favor

Mes amies, if you would be so kind as to give me pictures - of yourself or both of us or all of us, I would be ever so grateful.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

[insert cliche title here]

Angi's song title :P Maybe I'll name my blog that...

Quiero escribir un post en espanol, pero nadie puede entender :/ Oh well.

Landon Pigg is sososososo amazing! I got "Made for Glory" for free from Amazon on Sunday, and that reminded me of the song Diisie showed me a while back - Falling in Love At a Coffee Shop... <3 <3 <3 If only his name wasn't so... yeah. Well, pobody's nerfect.
And the Music and Lyrics songs can be bought separately on iTunes now! :D I looove "Pop! Goes My Heart".

Friday, October 2, 2009

How do you like...

...the new look?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I forgot about the Bran Muffin Bandits :P

Gigi's strange rug-thing has been transformed into a cute little bag! Quite creative.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Mua-ha-haaaa. Evil laughing is very fun even if you're not evil.

Saturday was funnnn :D
Diisie and Gigi came to the house at about noon and we sat around and signed their autograph book and listened to my iPod until Sam showed up. Then we headed off to SaveMart and got cake mix & ice cream and drinks and stuff. Sam got the famed energy drink that goes well with nuts...
A-a-anyway, we came back to the house and made one bog cake and three little ones We danced a lot during that process :P I'm hoping to post pictures soon. While they were baking we broke out the t-shirt redesign book, and Rachel came around then. Everyone but Gigi made half & half t-shirts. (Gigi made a very tiny rug-like thing. The shirt she used was a tad too small.) Then we walked downtown and everyone but me covered up their beautiful new shirts with sweaters :( And I was cold but quite content.
Then we walked back to mi casa, Sam left to go to her cousins' party and everybody else got ready to go to dinner. We looked fiiine, if I do say so myself (and I do). The restaurant (which shall remain unnamed because of creepy stalkers) I chose had soo much stuff to choose from - not a particularly wise idea for the indecisive. I ended up getting veal & spinach raviolis. Veal, in case you weren't aware, is very strange. Everybody shared their food 'cause we got so much. It was awesome. The waiter knew we were celebrating my birthday- although he didn't know that it was actually on Tuesday- so he brought a piece of cake and got the whole restaurant to sing happy birthday to me. The cake was amazazing - chocolate mousse or something like that.
Then we went for a short drive around C****** *** (sorry, creepy stalker precaution again) and back to the house to change into our pajamas. We made it to PCC with the cakes intact and set up the futon and a couple of chairs in the sanctuary in front of the big screen. Sam got there and we went into the youth room to eat cake and ice cream, then I opened presents (earrings x 3 and a bracelet from Rachel and jeans and a top from Sam - Liisle forgot hers and Gigi forgot the card - which was apparently half of the gift 0_o - for hers). Then we all cracked up with some "Would You Rather" questions, one of which was "Would you rather have a head twice the normal size or half the normal size?"
Then after a bit of prompting from mom, we went back into the sanctuary and crashed on the futon/chairs with movie treats to watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - such fun!
After the movie we all piled back into the car and headed home. Next day was surprisingly unchaotic. We got to church pretty much on time.
Thennn on Monday I ruined my "I <3 Nerds" t-shirt and watched Music and Lyrics (I said I wasn't gonna lose my head, but then Pop! goes my heart!). Haha, that song is so great.

Friday, September 18, 2009

16 and feelin'....well...worse, actually

Weird. I had always assumed that I'd die in some freak accident long before now.

Yay, thanks for following, Liisle :)
Splunge, Gigi, is defined in the title. It's from a Monty Python skit. <3 <3 <3
ALSO, I have doubts that so many people like Cranford and B & P... Liisle and Gigi, voting from different computers isn't very nice.
And Alysha drew a pig and named it Nestor. Then, she drew an entire page filled with random stuff (i.e., boomboxes, brass knuckles, and fruit) with a tiny bit of help from yours truly.

If anyone has any good t-shirt slogans, let me know :)

Bought a bunch of songs on iTunes... it's so fun.
Drama Queen - Family Force 5
Earthquake - Family Force 5
Love Addict - Family Force 5
Dance or Die - Family Force 5
The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy
As If - Blaque
Fine - Jaymes Reunion
Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye
One Time - Earthsuit
1980 - Rehab
Stripped - Shiny Toy Guns
Why, you ask, do I persist in making these long lists of songs that most likely no one will listen to? Hmmm. I wonder that too. Well, a blog is a monologue and this is what goes on in my head (not really).
Here's one more for good measure that I got for free on Amazon:
Ta pa dig dansskorna - Movits!
It's Swedish jazz-rap.
Uno mas de Amazon (and I love this title):
Sorry for Freaking Out on the Phone Last Night - The Mr. T Experience

*Sean, if you read this, TMP could totally play this song. Listen to it!*

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fun fun

Quick summary of the day:
Hung out with new pal Aurora @ park day.
Went to dollar tree and bought t-shirts for restructuring.
And Alyyyyyshaaaaa got here. She just made a pig named Nestor... Ha ha.
The sound on my computer is being weird... i.e., not coming on at all :(

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


...that I haven't blogged about yet (not necessarily in chronological order) -
*Beach party #1 on... Tuesday... about a month ago. Too much pizza, ultimate frisbee (in which I made some pretty darned amazing catches, if I do say so myself), and brownies and smores = guaranteed good time.
*Beach party #2 the following Friday. Acting like a general idiot, scary burgers, and trekking to McDonald's for salt = good time to the not-so-sane. (This definition, of course, includes myself.)
*Emily's visit. Sigh. I'm sorry there's nothing to do here. No, I really am - 'cuz I have to live here ALL THE TIME.
*Visiting Uncle Matt. MTV = funnnn... watching a "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" marathon and "White Chicks" = more fun. Going home and promptly, inexplicably getting sick = not so much.
*Trip to the zoo. Best way to sum it up: giraffes, gorillas, and garlic fries.

And Alysha is coming to visit moi this weekend! :D x 5

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's baaaaaaack!

Ha ha hahahahaha.
Just a few of the words that describe yours truly, for the blog is back!
Not, of course, that anything interesting has happened to me lately, but it's the principle of the thing. At least I can tell people how bored I am without sounding quite as whiny as I would in an email...
Or perhaps I'll just quit being bored. Yeah, I think that's the best plan.
Hmmm... youth group has started back up, and all of the seniors who graduated have gone :( I'm going to miss them, even the annoying ones. And we might not be going to Navajo next year! Instead, we may be going to Honduras (which is, I've noticed, quite a bit farther away from here than Arizona) to build a church for a village there.
Aaaand Sean came to visit us last weekend...
In the meantime, I've found/been told about more stuff online to add to the "wasting time but such fun" list:
"Wanna buy a ghost"? on Youtube.
Forgot. While nothing particularly interesting has happened to ME lately, Sean just started his new job as owner of a record store! :D And he was nice enough to leave tapes from some of the bands on his label with us, so after dad screens them (I know, right? Un pequeno ridiculo.) I'll post my favorites.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I am very very over.

Well, this is it. My time on the compy has been suspended for an unknown (but most likely very long) time... Sorry I never got to hear your answer on the question, Sean. As of today, this blog is unoperational until further notice. All I shall say is "user error"...
Thanks for readin' everybody. See you in the very far future.

My word.

Do I have "Stop me on the street, ask me my name, and tell me I'm beautiful" tattooed on my forehead or something? Twice in 3 days... sort of odd. Irony - sheer, stark irony.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Was watching A Knight's Tale yesterday and realized that Count Adhemar looks just like a certain someone's twin brother's myspace pic. Scaaaary.

Whaddaya mean you "enjoy reading about" my trials & tribulations? If anyone else said that, I would most likely slug them. But I won't slug you for 2 reasons: 1.- You're my excellent bro. 2.(a better reason by far)- You aren't here =P
And yes please, I will go to Burger Records' myspace. Dad said you were talking about an actual brick & mortar store... got a name yet? (I'm assuming it'll just be Burger Records, but who knows? Right, you do. And that's why I'm asking!)
Gee, I wonder who voted for "Arcade Queen" on the poll.
Just looked @ the burger myspace... so cool that you're sponsoring a child :D
Went to Teh Mall (as I shall refer to it from here on out) and browsed about for a bit, but didn't find anything. Almost bought cool ring at Anchor Blue - which is both my favorite store and closing :( - but didn't. Got ice cream again - just a buck @ Rite Aid... I got away from Teh Mall only out about $5. Slice of Prima @ Pizza My <3 & ice cream = worth it.

Curious... The Rubinoos have a song called "Cruisin' Music" and a song called "Driving Music". I can see somebody panicking at the wheel - "Which am I doing? Driving or cruising? Aghh!"
Library computers are very scary. The circuit shut down... I wouldn't normally have cared, but I thought that I was still logged in on here. Visions danced in my head of creepy people posting creepier things on my blog... 0_o No thank you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Started day 1 of involuntary unpaid labor. Signed lots of letters, Sincerely, "Machell". (Sincerity apparently doesn't mean what I thought it meant.) Ended up addressing & signing somwehere around 30 thank-you notes.

Walked along the rec trail & got on the trolley @ the aquarium. 1st time by myself on the trolley... sort of fun. Want pizza. I know, so unusual. Perhaps after the library.

Have been walking a lot... can't stand hanging around the house. Haha, I always end up down at the beach staring at the water but never seeing it 'cause something else is always going on in my head.

Yawn. Bored. Will go to Thee Makeout Party's myspace.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Got new retainers. Can't talk without lisping. Again. Groan.
Hung out with Sam-boni today... walked down to ******* *** (same place as with Liise & Gitta... still can't tell in case of more creepy stalkers!) and got amazing frozen yogurt at Myo. Yummm... New York Cheesecake, Pomegranite & Raspberry and Peach all swirled together, then with butterfinger, cheesecake crumbs, cherries, strawberries, and a blackberry, and peanut butter cup crumbles, brownie bits, and reese's pieces. (Yeah, I like peanut butter. How'd you know?) It sounds gross but it wasn't at all. Sat up in the bridge by the candy factory and ate them. No clowder guy today. (lol)But the people-watching was good. Walked around a bit more, then went back to Sam's and looked at Alex's Navajo pics on Facebook - got my new profile picture from there.
I was just walkin' along today, and this guy on a bike rides up and says, "Got a name, Beautiful?" I said, "My name is 'Not Allowed to Date Until I'm 18'." And he says, "Nice name - is that English?" "No, it's German." (Sarcastically, of course.) "Strict parents, huh?" "Kyeahhh. They broke something* off, too. And to top it all off, I've got a new retainer and I can't talk. At all. I'd just fixed my lisp, too, and now it's back." "You seem pretty well-spoken to me... have a nice day, Beautiful." And he rode off. Hence the title of this post. WHY???
*SOMETHING! Yeah, I know, an inadequate word. Going off on a tangent when I'm talking to a complete stranger isn't what I do... Sighhh. God sure has a sense of humor. Haha, even if I could date it sure wouldn't be that guy.
Just found out the name & artist of a great song - Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard.

Lame lame lame.

Just broke up w/ excellent boyfriend. Not voluntarily, mind you. But the 'rents have decided that I can't date until I'm eight-freakin'-teen, so it's very much over =( Grrr x 5 mil. Infuriating. And I can't even be his friend. If I try they will make my life even more miserable than it is now. Never being able to leave the house, switching churches,and not being able to use the computer would kill me. Yeah, they can do that. Apparently they can make me do whatever they want me to for 2 more years.
Check Yes Juliet is sounding less like a song and more like a game plan. Ehhh, who am I kidding? Nobody, that's who. What am I doing messing with Anneliise's boyfriend's head?? Inside joke, just in case anybody reads something into that =P You know, because her boyfriend is nobody? Sigh. Nobody is a cheater. He's my boyfriend now too. We'll be dating for 2 years & 2 months. At least. Sighhhhh.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?" Heck yes. Chalk one up for the Beach Boys.
Going through iPod on shuffle. This isn't a list of everything I'm listening to, but I feel like making a list anyway.
Dreamer - Supertramp
Dead Wrong - The Fray
That Tastes Horrible - Five Iron Frenzy
Tragedy - Pillar
Forgive and Forget - Wavorly (Whoaaa. I love the sound here.)
Praise the Lord - Five Iron Frenzy
Forward Motion - Relient K
Heartbeat City - The Cars
The Logical Song - Supertramp
Break On Through (To The Other Side) - The Doors

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not Navajo pt. 2

Didn't bring my notebook to the library. Just came from babysitting.

Am on email & phone lockdown. Smoke signals anyone? Oh, wait. Dad said none of those either. (Really. I'm not kidding.) Well, that's sort of a lie... I just can't communicate with the person I want to talk to the most until Thursday at least =( x 10
So if you're not Sully, give me a call. Sigh.
Am going into friend withdrawal. 10 days and then nothing for almost a week? Gag me. Okay, okay, so I got to hang out with Liise & Gitta on Sunday & Monday. It was great - we ate stuffed pizza from Papa Murphy's, then watched That Thing You Do, reminisced about Navajo (I had forgotten about some of it), and then saw The Brady Bunch Movie. Next day we woke up and ate muffins -which my excellent companions neglected to tell me got all over my face (exaggeration, of course)- and walked along the rec trail to ****** (can't give away location... did for a bit though. Whoops.) and got some free Ghirardelli's. Then w'all (we all, for those not fluent in Rachel) came back to the house and goofed around until they had to go back to the church at around 5. I might have gotten them hooked on FailBlog.

Hmmm... have listened to... lately
Vertigo - U2
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Take My Hand - Simple Plan
Viva la Vida - Coldplay
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend - The Rubinoos
Look After You - The Fray
You Break My Will - Alexon
Little House - The Fray
Holding On - Simple Plan
Little Wild One - The Wonders (=P)
Love Is Stronger Than Dirt - Devo
Sunny Came Home - Shawn Colvin
The Love Thing - XTC
Scarecrow People - XTC
Ma Ya Hi (Dragostea Din Tei)[Original Mix] - Dan Balan, Lucas Prata and O-Zone (it's the English version)
All I Ever Wanted - The Clams
Concrete and Clay - Unit 4+2
Message In A Bottle - The Police
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - JET
You Don't Know Her - The Rubinoos
Open My Eyes - Inhabited
Same Old Drag - The Apples In Stereo

As you may have guessed, I have exorbitant amounts of time to waste.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Navajo (cliffnotes version) Part 1

Vanmates: Me, Sully, Anneliise, Samantha, Brigitta, Jorgen, Stefan, Alex, Mrs. Rehn, Bryce, Gracie, Jenn, Kevin, Erick, Ryan, and Chris.

Sat. June 20
Piled in van, are fast food, swam, went """""clubbing""""" (see Navajo day 1 photo album on, ate pizza at Strombolli's, played cards, couldn't sleep.

Ate mini-moofins (turned out to be the best continental breakfast we had on the whole trip =\). Borrowed Liise's dress for church. Not the best day for anthing other than pants, but oh well. Sermon was about Mr. Wonderful (ya know, the doll) and what he really means :P Stopped at In-N-Out. Fun in the van. Arrived at Shonto Prep. Got stung on the big toe by a bee.

Woke up & went to nurse's office. She dug around a bit with a safety pin but couldn't get the stinger out. Found out I was locked out of dorm. Spent 30-45 min. siting outside in the cold praying. Went out to work site with my team, Caitlyn, Shannon, Christian, Joe, Mary, Jonathan, Emily, and Shawn (latter 2 are leaders) after breakfast. Leveled out dirt only to find that we needed to add much more, so all of the leveling was useless. Got bitten by 2 red ants. Lots of digging.

Helped out at another work site. Learned how to mix concrete. Went back to original work site later and measured & cut rebar and cut up some wire to keep it together. Also gathered rocks to prop up rebar after.

Don't quit reading yet! Wednesday was fun day! Got up, got in the van and went to Super Wal-Mart. Liise, Gitta and I spent a little too much time sniffing laundry detergent... but we couldn't stop... it was just SO GOOD! (Kidding. Mostly.) Stefan and Sully had a milk-drinking contest - Sully won (surprising). Drove over to boat-rental place. Decided to go in Rehn van w/ Sully, Bryce, Gracie, Stefan & Mrs. Rehn.
Much quicker than boats. Once Alex got everyone over, the people who rode in the van went for a ride in the boat... so amazing! The very front is definitely the best place to be! Cliff-jumped a bit off a higher cliff than last year (I think). Travis - Kevin's cowboy hat, and the trip's mascot- fell in the water twice. We goofed around in the lake for a while, then went to Strombolli's (a different one than on Saturday, of course) for pizza. I enjoyed the trip back to the school immensely.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

FUNNIEST WEBSITE EVERRR! is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen. WARNING! IF YOU VISIT THE SITE, CLICK THE "SEE ONLY G-RATED PICS AND VIDEOS LINK"! Please trust me on this.

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Leaving in 2 days!

It's crazy. Am, as usual, very excited.

I got my braces off today! Again, so excited! I had sort of forgotten that I had teeth. (Kidding. Mostly.)

Went to Kevin's 16th yesterday. So very fun!
Picked up Sam and drove down to the beach. Kevin and Brandon are *insane*... (Hello, surfing when it's freezing. Makes so much sense.) My friend Angi ( gave me her CD... I <3 it! Rarr, this entry is hard to write 'cuz it only really makes sense if you were there. For example, the phrase "Cave of Fun" probably means something very different to someone who wasn't at the party. (It's completely innocent, thank you very much - I made a "cave" out of a blanket and me and Angi huddled together to stay warm. I guess I could have called it the "Cave of Warmth", but that doesn't have as nice of a ring to it.) Despite some less than fun things (A dead seal that smelled like a sewer leak) I enjoyed the party muchly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tum-te-tum tum.

It's been pretty chill these past few days. Went down to Cannery Row with Sam on Saturday and people-watched (yeah, I'm talking about YOU, Clowder guy!) and ate a sandwich at Subway. Found some shorts at Kohl's.
Sunday morning I got to spend some time with my pals, which was fun.... the rest of the afternoon, however, definitely wouldn't fall under anyone but a masochist's definition of "fun". I helped clean out the attic at PCC... it must have been a hundred degrees up there and I was wearing jeans. I eventually dumped some water on my head in an attempt to cool off... it was marvelous. I looked like an utter fooool, but that's not unusual. And we watched Forrest Gump.... *cries* Such a great movie. I don't know why I didn't watch it earlier.
Yesterday I watched Fireproof and sat in bed in my pajamas and read This Present Darkness. And that brings me to today, Tuesday, the day that I finished it. Utterly riveting book. Frank Peretti is an amazing writer.
Eeeeeeee. Navajo is in 4 days! I'm already packed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This is such fun. Really gives one a chance to stretch one's brain.

Yawn. Boredom is my pal today. Except for Biology... how was I to know that you need to lift that whole part of the blender up and not unscrew the glass part? Well, my book is going to smell like peas for awhile, but it's still usable.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ahhhhhh! Fun.

Today was Jorgen & Stefan (& Jared & Connor's) graduation!!
I walked to FBC so I could hang out w/ Liise before the ceremony (and almost got run over by a very indecisive lady), and ended up helping out with the preparations. Man! SO much work goes into these things! I spent a lot of time prying (and I do mean prying) Anneliise's brownies out of the pan. The middle was great, but the edges were a bit... rocklike.
Anyway, the ceremony itself was AMAZAZING! Jorgen's speech made me tear up... so very emotional! I kinda knew he was going to be the last one in the lineup. The whole thing was so sweet! Jared is very earnest, I can't remember a word of Connor's speech, and Stefan's speech was, as Anneliise put it, very light. "Hard to cry during" is what she said.
Food was good.
I got to hug all of the graduates! I had to round up a support team (Aly & Angie) to work up the courage. Haha, when we hugged Jared and said congratulations, he said "Thanks! Who are you?" He remembered who I was almost right away... surprising. Hehe. Fun times. And we only hugged Connor (whom none of us knows) because Stefan told us to. But he didn't get embarrassed or turn bright red or anything! Darn it. Oh well, it was fun anyway!
Eeeeeeeeee! Navajo is in less than 2 weeks! So excited.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I want this sooo badly. Think of the fun! I love this whole site.
I'm playing minigolf today, so this seemed appropriate. Hehe... Waterslide Dan's Moistworld...
I practically laughed my appendix off.
No kidding.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Okay, okay...

So one person reads it. Yay Sean! He wins the gold medal. (So what were you expecting? Every song has a perfect ending... but that's not good enough, not good enough for you...) Not that "Gold Medal" =P I <3 The Donnas.

Reverting back to normalcy least blogwise. I'm switching it back from "exclusive" to "anybody can read". Hardly any people have a gmail account, so nobody was reading my poor, lonely little blog.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Spent lots of time reading. And eating pizza.
Finished this amazing book, House, in 2 days. Couldn't put it down... I was afraid to 0_o Very intense book, but so good!
Soul tracker was good too... but not quite as good as House, in my not-so-humble opinion.
Ahh! I found this song by Hellogoodbye that I had been looking for ever since last Navajo! So happy.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Went to PCC and recorded guitar & bass for "Soak Up the Sun". It was kinda hard... my arms, fingers, and head hurt. I knew the guitar part perfectly, but it was the first time I had ever played bass. I think I got the hang of it though. Haha, found out my* guitar is the same kind as Jeff Beck's.
*"My" here meaning "dad's that he lets me use and may eventually give me".

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I love people, but they scare the heck out of me... I wonder why that is?
I often wish I could see what others were thinking. It would make life so much easier... Haha, what goes on in my brain is mostly so far removed from what other people are thinking about (at that particular moment, at least) that they have no idea what I'm talking about and I feel like a complete idiot.
It's so gray here. Usually I like it (gives me an excuse to stay indoors), but today it's just depressing. Ever get that deflated balloon feeling? Today is positively riddled with it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

YouTube fun!

These guys are so funny! (Mostly. Use good judgment.) And just like every other girl in the world, I think Jake is sooo cute =P 
The song is so sweet and nice... but THIS one is hilarious. My current obsession =D  Syncsta did a lip-sync to this too.
Got my shots today. The psychological duress incurred was much more than the actual pain... It hardly hurt at all.
Listening to "Stripped" by Shiny Toy Guns. I <3 it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Invitation only

It sounds so exclusive, doesn't it? Anyway, it's kind of silly to let any old person surfing the web to stumble upon my blog, so I decided to make it so that only the people I want to be able to see it can see it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Salsa class

M'kalah taught a salsa class for all levels today - lesson part wasn't anything new, but afterwards I got to dance with this amazing dancer, Jose... ay! He's crazy good... I actually learned something new! That hasn't happened in forever!

Listening to "As If" by Blaque... I <3 it =")

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I finally did the backflip move in salsa! It's so so fun! And I only almost got dropped once! For my first time, I think I did pretty darn good! 

 Also, I have possible birthday plans - rent out the  studio for a couple of hours and make (erm, ask) Harrison to teach us some steps.
Hahahahahaha! I've wanted to do it for weeks and now I have! This, mi amigos, is what you would call a natural high. Endorphins & salsa = together forever!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

God, I love you so much!

OH MY WORD. I thought I downloaded lots of viruses and spyware on my dad's $3k compy!!!  But  I DIDN'T! The program that told me that I had viruses and spyware WAS spyware! The spyware that could have allowed other people to see what sites I go to and dad's credit card number only works on a windows! Ahhh, I'm so relieved I could just scream and jump around and cry and laugh all at the same time! Never ever sign up on, ESPECIALLY if you have a windows computer. And DO NOT DOWNLOAD VIRUSDOCTOR! NO NO NOOOOO! 

I prayed. And God came through.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good Old Days

Such fun! I adore good old days... At first I just wandered around, getting compliments for my dress (Gunne Sax, cream-colored, floor-length, with a corset-inspired bodice and little flowers all over). Then I found Aly, Sully, and John and I got to hang around with them for a long time. Saw Lindsay. Kevin too. It was funny how many people I knew. The hem on my dress is sooo wrecked though T_T I had to rip part of it off 'cuz my leg kept getting caught in it. It's not too noticeable though. As long as the hem police don't  come around, I'm good.

On the way home, some college-age guy asked me to a party... and when I told him my age as the reason why I couldn't go, he said that I looked much older T_T (these are crying eyes,  jsyk) I want to stay a little girl forever. But apparently I've already failed at that...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Coughing a lot,  but definitely getting better. Head isn't spinning any more. 
Listening to Liz Phair's "Why Can't I"... v. fun. And now on the Basshunter! Swedish techno = awesome. The lyrics  to Boten Anna are really funny. He's basically intoning the glories of his computer. Done  with that. "Miss Independent" by Ne-yo is also very fun, but the video is baaad.
Thee Makeout Party is playing with the Black Keys! Prolly their best gig yet... can you say "Sold Out"!? 
Hmm... Painted nails Saturday, I believe... v. messed up on Tuesday. Sigh. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

4 Days of Fun!

Friday, I went to the sports center with Rachel & pals. I learned about The Game - you know, "If you know The Game, you play The Game, and if you think about The Game, you lose The Game." It took me a bit to figure out what the heck they were talking about. And now I'm always losing The Game!

Saturday was the Mani-Pedi party, but first the group got together and played Ultimate Frisbee and soccer. It was raining, too, but it was kind of refreshing. I was on Jorgen's team. (I say Jorgen's team because he was the only one who really did any work.) He told me to run for the goal to catch the frisbee, and I did... towards the WRONG GOAL. BUT, my idiocy distracted the other team, and Jorgen was able to throw it to Samantha and get a goal. My team won all of  the games we played =D    I got mud all over my favorite jeans and new Vans though. Then we made a quick stop at my house so I could change, and we went back to Samantha's house. It was terribly fun. We got foot scrubs courtesy of Valerie. Anneliise was soo fun to watch - she screamed with laughter whenever Valerie even got near her feet =P   My iPod froze up and I thought it was broken, so I went in the bathroom and sat there (and possibly cried) for a few minutes until someone said "Jessica fixed it!" And she had. I was so relieved! We eventually watched Step Up, a really great movie, and 13 Going on 30 (Although only me, Anneliise, and our new pal Becky were even awake then.) Then we woke up the next morning, and discovered that we actually only had an hour to get ready. I freaked out, because I needed to take a shower. Except for my hair, which was still kind of wet, I was presentable at church. After church, I hung out with Angie and we watched Miss Congeniality, then walked down to the (shall not be named here) conference grounds with the family and played ping-pong and walked along the boardwalk.
And today was Aly and John's 16th birthday party! We all crowded into Aly's little bedroom. Aly whooped John at Guitar Hero twice, we listened to Swedish techno - Basshunter, I believe - and then watched Never Back Down, a really amazing movie. We stopped in the middle and ate tacos. Right about then Anneliise showed up, and we ate cake and burnt brownies and battled the Candle That Wouldn't Die. We eventually had to kill it with apple juice. Then we finished the movie and watched part of an episode of Family Guy, which was just as bad as I thought it was. I had a great time. Let's see... Aly, John, me, Liise, Sully, Lily, and Chris all came. 

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Notebook

I just saw The Notebook last night - it was (mostly) sooo cute! I love her outfits, and Noah is soOo attractive. I just wish they hadn't ruined it with the inapp. scenes... 

ARGH! filing all of this stuff is driving me nuts! I think Ingrid forgot to give me some crucial papers necessary to do an adequate job, and I will have to go back and do a lot of it again >=O x 5 million bajillion and 7

Sunday, February 8, 2009

AWWWWWWW! Darn it.

I lost a follower. Was it something I said? Oh well, if ya don't like me, ya don't like me. Can't do anything about it.

on another note - I've spent over $35 in the past few days! And all I got was a shirt and some hair stuff. That's an INSANELY huge amount of money. For me. I get five bucks a week for allowance, okay? And my job only pays me in dance lessons. I spent 5 hours working today ._.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am so mad.

The Fray is ticking me off. They're being complete jerks about being pursued by Christian magazines for cover stories. Front man Isaac Slade said that they "said no, and tried to distance themselves from them, but they just kept on coming..." And he thought it would be a good plan to call God an ... never mind. Suffice it to say, this is not something you want to call the boss of the universe. Look, dude, if you're gonna claim to be a Christian, how 'bout not going around maligning the one you worship? 


Stayed up too late last night... I went to Santa Cruz for <3 Thee Makeout Party's gig (in a bar, The Crepe Place). Lots of fun =) I just wish they had played "Pauline"... it's one of my favorite songs of theirs.

 Some random guy went around and gave all of the girls yellow roses - mine is sitting on the washer  in a water bottle. Got back 20 before midnight and read til 1:30, hence the title. I got to sleep in a bit though. All in all, a nice little adventure.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

STINK! Stink stink stink.

AarRRghHh! The Steelers won! The Cardinals so deserved it. The party was such fun though... Brigitta and I raided the costume closet while we waited for the SB to start. Liise, Gitta, and I all got to wear aprons and bake for the boys and be "domestic" =P We made taquitos & brownies, and we wore our aprons down to the store (can't have brownies without milk =)   ).     It was so thrilling when the Cardinals got that touchdown at 2 1/2 minutes to go, but I wish they had made it last just a little longer. The Steelers are so awful and violent! "Hey, I'm gonna punch you in the face (helmet, actually) for no reason at all, except that I'm stupid and care nothing for the penalty that I'm obviously going to get." 

I also learned how to write my name *wink, wink* Thanks, GiGi =P   

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Youth group is aaaaawesome!

Firstoff, we discussed names - GIMP (God Is My Power) and HeRose are the main contenders, but I think GIMP is gonna win 'cuz no one really likes HeRose except Brigitta, and she's not even in high school yet =P

Then we played egg jousts, which was...interesting, to say the least. The "rider" put a knee-high with an egg in it on their head and mounted their steed (I got to be the steed, thankfully), and the riders try to break the egg on the other person's head with a foam sword. Anneliise got so much egg in her hair! 
After the lesson we played the Kan-kan ( fun game - ring of people holding little ropes, like this: person(rope)person(rope) etc. The goal is to make the other people let go or touch the garbage can set up in the middle of the ring.)... AND I GOT TO THE FINAL ROUND TWICE! I was going against Jorgen in the first one and Stefan in the second. Sheesh, I almost beat the brawny boys! I was amazed O_o 
I sorta got hit in the face (an accident, most likely) but I kept going. I never let go - I just barely touched the can. I guess that makes me the best girl at the Kan-kan =P

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So sad pt. 2 (but it's worse =( )

I missed an amazingly awesome party last night =(  x 1 gazillion

It was for Jorgen's 18th and it was a medieval murder mystery (Liise was the killer... it usually turns out that way =P) They also played sardines and other games like that. AND THE ONLY REASON I MISSED IT WAS 'CUZ I DIDN'T CHECK MY EMAIL! I just found out about it today and I was so bummed... I had the perfect dress for it, too.
I did get to go to the mall with some of the peoples from youth group though, and we got Pizza My Heart and did a quick lesson. And I got 6 pairs of earrings and a ring at Claire's... I found my mismatched treble & note earrings! I think it was the last pair too =D
And I helped out in the nursery at the meeting, which was suspiciously uneventful. It rarely goes that well, I think. Only one baby cried and she was the youngest. I guess I'm pretty good with kids, after all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Very sad

I've lost my color match earbud cover... where can I get a purple earbud cover? HELP! 

Okay, it's a bit melodramatic, but I hate it when I lose things. I lost my earring at winter camp and I know I'll never see it again... 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

rarrr! continued

Really, though, we're talking about an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being here - if evolution happened, God caused it to happen that way. Actually, I should clarify... I have been so confused as to what people mean when they say evolution - do they mean macroevolution, where apparently something came from nothing and became  what we are today, or do they mean microevolution, which is just another way of saying changes within species? Everyone knows that species adapt - life would be impossible without this provision. But macroevolution just doesn't make sense - life never comes from nonlife. If science were still where it was before Redi's experiment that disproved spontaneous generation in the 17th century, macroevolution would be a scientifically viable theory; but, as I said, life never comes from nonlife. 


People can be pretty dumb sometimes. I mean, come on! Putting 'atheism' under interests? Actually, I find atheism interesting too... or rather, people who actually believe that it is possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. There is no satisfactory theory devised by evolutionists to explain the origins of the earth. Everything that begins to exist has a cause outside of itself; since we're talking about nature, this must be a supernatural cause. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Singin' in the Rain (in my head)

It's so cold/rainy... why am I not depressed? And my iPod just happened to be on 'Dogfood' by Five Iron Frenzy =D AND I'm going to my first day of work @ SWD, AND I'm going to a skating party/ Me me me... I need to shut up about myself (even though the point of blogs, I think, is to talk about oneself). Hmmm... what else can I talk about? Suggestions? Oh yeah, google "most boring blog"... it's pretty funny =P