Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas, my lovely readers!
I hope that, in your haste to discover what loot awaited you this morning, you didn't forget for whom we celebrate. :)
I got a slew of nice stuff this Christmas... one of my favorite gifts was a sign that my dad made for me... It says, in fancy-ish black letters on a white background, "The Queen Is Not Amused". :D I like it ever so. I bought "Gravity" by Sean McDonald with my brand-spankin' new iTunes card today. I love that song. BUT, "His Favorite Christmas Story" by Capital Lights is simply wonderful... I cried the first time I heard it on the radio. I don't know if I'll buy it, though... I think it's just a bit odd to buy Christmas songs after Christmas.

Do you ever feel like you just don't really get it? I've heard so very much about Jesus' life and ministry, but for some reason my brain can't wrap itself around the fact that it actually happened. It's a side-effect of being a reader from my youth, I suppose... when one reads mostly fiction, it can be difficult to grasp the concept of reality. Grr. Even here, I'm using fancy words to try to impress people. Pray for me, please. Signin' off.