Sunday, February 1, 2009

STINK! Stink stink stink.

AarRRghHh! The Steelers won! The Cardinals so deserved it. The party was such fun though... Brigitta and I raided the costume closet while we waited for the SB to start. Liise, Gitta, and I all got to wear aprons and bake for the boys and be "domestic" =P We made taquitos & brownies, and we wore our aprons down to the store (can't have brownies without milk =)   ).     It was so thrilling when the Cardinals got that touchdown at 2 1/2 minutes to go, but I wish they had made it last just a little longer. The Steelers are so awful and violent! "Hey, I'm gonna punch you in the face (helmet, actually) for no reason at all, except that I'm stupid and care nothing for the penalty that I'm obviously going to get." 

I also learned how to write my name *wink, wink* Thanks, GiGi =P