Friday, July 10, 2009


Was watching A Knight's Tale yesterday and realized that Count Adhemar looks just like a certain someone's twin brother's myspace pic. Scaaaary.

Whaddaya mean you "enjoy reading about" my trials & tribulations? If anyone else said that, I would most likely slug them. But I won't slug you for 2 reasons: 1.- You're my excellent bro. 2.(a better reason by far)- You aren't here =P
And yes please, I will go to Burger Records' myspace. Dad said you were talking about an actual brick & mortar store... got a name yet? (I'm assuming it'll just be Burger Records, but who knows? Right, you do. And that's why I'm asking!)
Gee, I wonder who voted for "Arcade Queen" on the poll.
Just looked @ the burger myspace... so cool that you're sponsoring a child :D
Went to Teh Mall (as I shall refer to it from here on out) and browsed about for a bit, but didn't find anything. Almost bought cool ring at Anchor Blue - which is both my favorite store and closing :( - but didn't. Got ice cream again - just a buck @ Rite Aid... I got away from Teh Mall only out about $5. Slice of Prima @ Pizza My <3 & ice cream = worth it.

Curious... The Rubinoos have a song called "Cruisin' Music" and a song called "Driving Music". I can see somebody panicking at the wheel - "Which am I doing? Driving or cruising? Aghh!"
Library computers are very scary. The circuit shut down... I wouldn't normally have cared, but I thought that I was still logged in on here. Visions danced in my head of creepy people posting creepier things on my blog... 0_o No thank you.