Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's baaaaaaack!

Ha ha hahahahaha.
Just a few of the words that describe yours truly, for the blog is back!
Not, of course, that anything interesting has happened to me lately, but it's the principle of the thing. At least I can tell people how bored I am without sounding quite as whiny as I would in an email...
Or perhaps I'll just quit being bored. Yeah, I think that's the best plan.
Hmmm... youth group has started back up, and all of the seniors who graduated have gone :( I'm going to miss them, even the annoying ones. And we might not be going to Navajo next year! Instead, we may be going to Honduras (which is, I've noticed, quite a bit farther away from here than Arizona) to build a church for a village there.
Aaaand Sean came to visit us last weekend...
In the meantime, I've found/been told about more stuff online to add to the "wasting time but such fun" list:
"Wanna buy a ghost"? on Youtube.
Forgot. While nothing particularly interesting has happened to ME lately, Sean just started his new job as owner of a record store! :D And he was nice enough to leave tapes from some of the bands on his label with us, so after dad screens them (I know, right? Un pequeno ridiculo.) I'll post my favorites.