Saturday, July 11, 2009

I am very very over.

Well, this is it. My time on the compy has been suspended for an unknown (but most likely very long) time... Sorry I never got to hear your answer on the question, Sean. As of today, this blog is unoperational until further notice. All I shall say is "user error"...
Thanks for readin' everybody. See you in the very far future.

My word.

Do I have "Stop me on the street, ask me my name, and tell me I'm beautiful" tattooed on my forehead or something? Twice in 3 days... sort of odd. Irony - sheer, stark irony.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Was watching A Knight's Tale yesterday and realized that Count Adhemar looks just like a certain someone's twin brother's myspace pic. Scaaaary.

Whaddaya mean you "enjoy reading about" my trials & tribulations? If anyone else said that, I would most likely slug them. But I won't slug you for 2 reasons: 1.- You're my excellent bro. 2.(a better reason by far)- You aren't here =P
And yes please, I will go to Burger Records' myspace. Dad said you were talking about an actual brick & mortar store... got a name yet? (I'm assuming it'll just be Burger Records, but who knows? Right, you do. And that's why I'm asking!)
Gee, I wonder who voted for "Arcade Queen" on the poll.
Just looked @ the burger myspace... so cool that you're sponsoring a child :D
Went to Teh Mall (as I shall refer to it from here on out) and browsed about for a bit, but didn't find anything. Almost bought cool ring at Anchor Blue - which is both my favorite store and closing :( - but didn't. Got ice cream again - just a buck @ Rite Aid... I got away from Teh Mall only out about $5. Slice of Prima @ Pizza My <3 & ice cream = worth it.

Curious... The Rubinoos have a song called "Cruisin' Music" and a song called "Driving Music". I can see somebody panicking at the wheel - "Which am I doing? Driving or cruising? Aghh!"
Library computers are very scary. The circuit shut down... I wouldn't normally have cared, but I thought that I was still logged in on here. Visions danced in my head of creepy people posting creepier things on my blog... 0_o No thank you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Started day 1 of involuntary unpaid labor. Signed lots of letters, Sincerely, "Machell". (Sincerity apparently doesn't mean what I thought it meant.) Ended up addressing & signing somwehere around 30 thank-you notes.

Walked along the rec trail & got on the trolley @ the aquarium. 1st time by myself on the trolley... sort of fun. Want pizza. I know, so unusual. Perhaps after the library.

Have been walking a lot... can't stand hanging around the house. Haha, I always end up down at the beach staring at the water but never seeing it 'cause something else is always going on in my head.

Yawn. Bored. Will go to Thee Makeout Party's myspace.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Got new retainers. Can't talk without lisping. Again. Groan.
Hung out with Sam-boni today... walked down to ******* *** (same place as with Liise & Gitta... still can't tell in case of more creepy stalkers!) and got amazing frozen yogurt at Myo. Yummm... New York Cheesecake, Pomegranite & Raspberry and Peach all swirled together, then with butterfinger, cheesecake crumbs, cherries, strawberries, and a blackberry, and peanut butter cup crumbles, brownie bits, and reese's pieces. (Yeah, I like peanut butter. How'd you know?) It sounds gross but it wasn't at all. Sat up in the bridge by the candy factory and ate them. No clowder guy today. (lol)But the people-watching was good. Walked around a bit more, then went back to Sam's and looked at Alex's Navajo pics on Facebook - got my new profile picture from there.
I was just walkin' along today, and this guy on a bike rides up and says, "Got a name, Beautiful?" I said, "My name is 'Not Allowed to Date Until I'm 18'." And he says, "Nice name - is that English?" "No, it's German." (Sarcastically, of course.) "Strict parents, huh?" "Kyeahhh. They broke something* off, too. And to top it all off, I've got a new retainer and I can't talk. At all. I'd just fixed my lisp, too, and now it's back." "You seem pretty well-spoken to me... have a nice day, Beautiful." And he rode off. Hence the title of this post. WHY???
*SOMETHING! Yeah, I know, an inadequate word. Going off on a tangent when I'm talking to a complete stranger isn't what I do... Sighhh. God sure has a sense of humor. Haha, even if I could date it sure wouldn't be that guy.
Just found out the name & artist of a great song - Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard.

Lame lame lame.

Just broke up w/ excellent boyfriend. Not voluntarily, mind you. But the 'rents have decided that I can't date until I'm eight-freakin'-teen, so it's very much over =( Grrr x 5 mil. Infuriating. And I can't even be his friend. If I try they will make my life even more miserable than it is now. Never being able to leave the house, switching churches,and not being able to use the computer would kill me. Yeah, they can do that. Apparently they can make me do whatever they want me to for 2 more years.
Check Yes Juliet is sounding less like a song and more like a game plan. Ehhh, who am I kidding? Nobody, that's who. What am I doing messing with Anneliise's boyfriend's head?? Inside joke, just in case anybody reads something into that =P You know, because her boyfriend is nobody? Sigh. Nobody is a cheater. He's my boyfriend now too. We'll be dating for 2 years & 2 months. At least. Sighhhhh.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?" Heck yes. Chalk one up for the Beach Boys.
Going through iPod on shuffle. This isn't a list of everything I'm listening to, but I feel like making a list anyway.
Dreamer - Supertramp
Dead Wrong - The Fray
That Tastes Horrible - Five Iron Frenzy
Tragedy - Pillar
Forgive and Forget - Wavorly (Whoaaa. I love the sound here.)
Praise the Lord - Five Iron Frenzy
Forward Motion - Relient K
Heartbeat City - The Cars
The Logical Song - Supertramp
Break On Through (To The Other Side) - The Doors

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not Navajo pt. 2

Didn't bring my notebook to the library. Just came from babysitting.

Am on email & phone lockdown. Smoke signals anyone? Oh, wait. Dad said none of those either. (Really. I'm not kidding.) Well, that's sort of a lie... I just can't communicate with the person I want to talk to the most until Thursday at least =( x 10
So if you're not Sully, give me a call. Sigh.
Am going into friend withdrawal. 10 days and then nothing for almost a week? Gag me. Okay, okay, so I got to hang out with Liise & Gitta on Sunday & Monday. It was great - we ate stuffed pizza from Papa Murphy's, then watched That Thing You Do, reminisced about Navajo (I had forgotten about some of it), and then saw The Brady Bunch Movie. Next day we woke up and ate muffins -which my excellent companions neglected to tell me got all over my face (exaggeration, of course)- and walked along the rec trail to ****** (can't give away location... did for a bit though. Whoops.) and got some free Ghirardelli's. Then w'all (we all, for those not fluent in Rachel) came back to the house and goofed around until they had to go back to the church at around 5. I might have gotten them hooked on FailBlog.

Hmmm... have listened to... lately
Vertigo - U2
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Take My Hand - Simple Plan
Viva la Vida - Coldplay
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend - The Rubinoos
Look After You - The Fray
You Break My Will - Alexon
Little House - The Fray
Holding On - Simple Plan
Little Wild One - The Wonders (=P)
Love Is Stronger Than Dirt - Devo
Sunny Came Home - Shawn Colvin
The Love Thing - XTC
Scarecrow People - XTC
Ma Ya Hi (Dragostea Din Tei)[Original Mix] - Dan Balan, Lucas Prata and O-Zone (it's the English version)
All I Ever Wanted - The Clams
Concrete and Clay - Unit 4+2
Message In A Bottle - The Police
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - JET
You Don't Know Her - The Rubinoos
Open My Eyes - Inhabited
Same Old Drag - The Apples In Stereo

As you may have guessed, I have exorbitant amounts of time to waste.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Navajo (cliffnotes version) Part 1

Vanmates: Me, Sully, Anneliise, Samantha, Brigitta, Jorgen, Stefan, Alex, Mrs. Rehn, Bryce, Gracie, Jenn, Kevin, Erick, Ryan, and Chris.

Sat. June 20
Piled in van, are fast food, swam, went """""clubbing""""" (see Navajo day 1 photo album on, ate pizza at Strombolli's, played cards, couldn't sleep.

Ate mini-moofins (turned out to be the best continental breakfast we had on the whole trip =\). Borrowed Liise's dress for church. Not the best day for anthing other than pants, but oh well. Sermon was about Mr. Wonderful (ya know, the doll) and what he really means :P Stopped at In-N-Out. Fun in the van. Arrived at Shonto Prep. Got stung on the big toe by a bee.

Woke up & went to nurse's office. She dug around a bit with a safety pin but couldn't get the stinger out. Found out I was locked out of dorm. Spent 30-45 min. siting outside in the cold praying. Went out to work site with my team, Caitlyn, Shannon, Christian, Joe, Mary, Jonathan, Emily, and Shawn (latter 2 are leaders) after breakfast. Leveled out dirt only to find that we needed to add much more, so all of the leveling was useless. Got bitten by 2 red ants. Lots of digging.

Helped out at another work site. Learned how to mix concrete. Went back to original work site later and measured & cut rebar and cut up some wire to keep it together. Also gathered rocks to prop up rebar after.

Don't quit reading yet! Wednesday was fun day! Got up, got in the van and went to Super Wal-Mart. Liise, Gitta and I spent a little too much time sniffing laundry detergent... but we couldn't stop... it was just SO GOOD! (Kidding. Mostly.) Stefan and Sully had a milk-drinking contest - Sully won (surprising). Drove over to boat-rental place. Decided to go in Rehn van w/ Sully, Bryce, Gracie, Stefan & Mrs. Rehn.
Much quicker than boats. Once Alex got everyone over, the people who rode in the van went for a ride in the boat... so amazing! The very front is definitely the best place to be! Cliff-jumped a bit off a higher cliff than last year (I think). Travis - Kevin's cowboy hat, and the trip's mascot- fell in the water twice. We goofed around in the lake for a while, then went to Strombolli's (a different one than on Saturday, of course) for pizza. I enjoyed the trip back to the school immensely.