Thursday, September 24, 2009

I forgot about the Bran Muffin Bandits :P

Gigi's strange rug-thing has been transformed into a cute little bag! Quite creative.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Mua-ha-haaaa. Evil laughing is very fun even if you're not evil.

Saturday was funnnn :D
Diisie and Gigi came to the house at about noon and we sat around and signed their autograph book and listened to my iPod until Sam showed up. Then we headed off to SaveMart and got cake mix & ice cream and drinks and stuff. Sam got the famed energy drink that goes well with nuts...
A-a-anyway, we came back to the house and made one bog cake and three little ones We danced a lot during that process :P I'm hoping to post pictures soon. While they were baking we broke out the t-shirt redesign book, and Rachel came around then. Everyone but Gigi made half & half t-shirts. (Gigi made a very tiny rug-like thing. The shirt she used was a tad too small.) Then we walked downtown and everyone but me covered up their beautiful new shirts with sweaters :( And I was cold but quite content.
Then we walked back to mi casa, Sam left to go to her cousins' party and everybody else got ready to go to dinner. We looked fiiine, if I do say so myself (and I do). The restaurant (which shall remain unnamed because of creepy stalkers) I chose had soo much stuff to choose from - not a particularly wise idea for the indecisive. I ended up getting veal & spinach raviolis. Veal, in case you weren't aware, is very strange. Everybody shared their food 'cause we got so much. It was awesome. The waiter knew we were celebrating my birthday- although he didn't know that it was actually on Tuesday- so he brought a piece of cake and got the whole restaurant to sing happy birthday to me. The cake was amazazing - chocolate mousse or something like that.
Then we went for a short drive around C****** *** (sorry, creepy stalker precaution again) and back to the house to change into our pajamas. We made it to PCC with the cakes intact and set up the futon and a couple of chairs in the sanctuary in front of the big screen. Sam got there and we went into the youth room to eat cake and ice cream, then I opened presents (earrings x 3 and a bracelet from Rachel and jeans and a top from Sam - Liisle forgot hers and Gigi forgot the card - which was apparently half of the gift 0_o - for hers). Then we all cracked up with some "Would You Rather" questions, one of which was "Would you rather have a head twice the normal size or half the normal size?"
Then after a bit of prompting from mom, we went back into the sanctuary and crashed on the futon/chairs with movie treats to watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - such fun!
After the movie we all piled back into the car and headed home. Next day was surprisingly unchaotic. We got to church pretty much on time.
Thennn on Monday I ruined my "I <3 Nerds" t-shirt and watched Music and Lyrics (I said I wasn't gonna lose my head, but then Pop! goes my heart!). Haha, that song is so great.

Friday, September 18, 2009

16 and feelin'....well...worse, actually

Weird. I had always assumed that I'd die in some freak accident long before now.

Yay, thanks for following, Liisle :)
Splunge, Gigi, is defined in the title. It's from a Monty Python skit. <3 <3 <3
ALSO, I have doubts that so many people like Cranford and B & P... Liisle and Gigi, voting from different computers isn't very nice.
And Alysha drew a pig and named it Nestor. Then, she drew an entire page filled with random stuff (i.e., boomboxes, brass knuckles, and fruit) with a tiny bit of help from yours truly.

If anyone has any good t-shirt slogans, let me know :)

Bought a bunch of songs on iTunes... it's so fun.
Drama Queen - Family Force 5
Earthquake - Family Force 5
Love Addict - Family Force 5
Dance or Die - Family Force 5
The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy
As If - Blaque
Fine - Jaymes Reunion
Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye
One Time - Earthsuit
1980 - Rehab
Stripped - Shiny Toy Guns
Why, you ask, do I persist in making these long lists of songs that most likely no one will listen to? Hmmm. I wonder that too. Well, a blog is a monologue and this is what goes on in my head (not really).
Here's one more for good measure that I got for free on Amazon:
Ta pa dig dansskorna - Movits!
It's Swedish jazz-rap.
Uno mas de Amazon (and I love this title):
Sorry for Freaking Out on the Phone Last Night - The Mr. T Experience

*Sean, if you read this, TMP could totally play this song. Listen to it!*

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fun fun

Quick summary of the day:
Hung out with new pal Aurora @ park day.
Went to dollar tree and bought t-shirts for restructuring.
And Alyyyyyshaaaaa got here. She just made a pig named Nestor... Ha ha.
The sound on my computer is being weird... i.e., not coming on at all :(

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


...that I haven't blogged about yet (not necessarily in chronological order) -
*Beach party #1 on... Tuesday... about a month ago. Too much pizza, ultimate frisbee (in which I made some pretty darned amazing catches, if I do say so myself), and brownies and smores = guaranteed good time.
*Beach party #2 the following Friday. Acting like a general idiot, scary burgers, and trekking to McDonald's for salt = good time to the not-so-sane. (This definition, of course, includes myself.)
*Emily's visit. Sigh. I'm sorry there's nothing to do here. No, I really am - 'cuz I have to live here ALL THE TIME.
*Visiting Uncle Matt. MTV = funnnn... watching a "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" marathon and "White Chicks" = more fun. Going home and promptly, inexplicably getting sick = not so much.
*Trip to the zoo. Best way to sum it up: giraffes, gorillas, and garlic fries.

And Alysha is coming to visit moi this weekend! :D x 5

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's baaaaaaack!

Ha ha hahahahaha.
Just a few of the words that describe yours truly, for the blog is back!
Not, of course, that anything interesting has happened to me lately, but it's the principle of the thing. At least I can tell people how bored I am without sounding quite as whiny as I would in an email...
Or perhaps I'll just quit being bored. Yeah, I think that's the best plan.
Hmmm... youth group has started back up, and all of the seniors who graduated have gone :( I'm going to miss them, even the annoying ones. And we might not be going to Navajo next year! Instead, we may be going to Honduras (which is, I've noticed, quite a bit farther away from here than Arizona) to build a church for a village there.
Aaaand Sean came to visit us last weekend...
In the meantime, I've found/been told about more stuff online to add to the "wasting time but such fun" list:
"Wanna buy a ghost"? on Youtube.
Forgot. While nothing particularly interesting has happened to ME lately, Sean just started his new job as owner of a record store! :D And he was nice enough to leave tapes from some of the bands on his label with us, so after dad screens them (I know, right? Un pequeno ridiculo.) I'll post my favorites.