Thursday, October 29, 2009

guess where I am?

No, really. Guess.

and another...

Here's one...


I'm instituting a new feature for the blog... 
1. A quote of the day (or post, because I'm probably not going to post every day.)
2. A song of the day (not free, mind you. Just listen to it on or something. That'll be an easier to handle replacement for those massive lists of songs I used to put up here :P)
Daily quote: Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. - Benjamin Franklin
Daily song: One Time - Earthsuit

Monday, October 26, 2009


The youth group I went to was ridiculously fun.  Message was good, worship was good, and I met waaay more people than I will probably remember all the names of.

Homecoming was rather fun, but Anneliise could be right in her assertion that slow dancing,  at least the way it was done at the dance we went to, is rather stupid. Sam - the same girl who I could barely drag out on the dance floor two years ago - is now apparently recognized by the junior class as their best dancer... they picked her for a dance-off, which she rocked. I got to hang out with Rachel 1 & Kristina B. also. Liisle came over to my house afterwards and we stayed up pretty late talking, which was very enjoyable but unfortunate because...

...the next morning I woke up at around 5 to get ready and go to *** ***** (if you know me, you know where I went but I'm not going to post it because of possible creepy stalkers). The sermon was good, the concert went well (I worked the merch table and sold 5ish cds), and I got to talk to Liz & Sean again (though not at the same time). After loading up the car, dad & I came back home, having listened to primarily rock-y songs on the way with the purpose of staying awake. Dad showed his usual amazing time-management skills by predicting to the minute - from an hour or so away - when we'd get home... and we did. 0_o

Friday, October 23, 2009

The days are just packed!

And not just for Calvin and Hobbes...
Went to Park Day today, and later tonight I'm going to Calvary's youth group. Tomorrow is Homecoming :D ! And Sunday I'm going with dad to see some of my pals at a church he's playing a gig at. Monday night is a CFC presentation, so I'm going to that too.
I love having stuff to do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Arrgh, having to put titles for posts is perfectly silly.

I've been watching an inordinate amount of movies lately, including but not limited to:
*August Rush (Love love love!)
*School of Rock (I think Jack Black sounds like my cousin Scott.)
*Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Almost as good as Up [but minus some of the pathos]. Very well-done. "This tastes significantly better than sardines!")
*Mission Impossible 3 (They keep using the same tricks over and over... and I keep falling for them. Sigh. I really thought he killed Ethan's wife at the beginning.)
*Catch Me If You Can (Okay, but not amazing. Not recommended.)
*The Beatles: Help! (Weird, but I like British humor.)
*(in progress) An Unfinished Life (So far, lots and lots of profanity. :\ )

Dad, Dan & I cleaned up the aftermath of the storm in the yard on Friday, then helped the Kubes move into their new apartment today. Had pizza for lunch and dinner, and Jamba Juice in between (I rather like the Strawberry Surf Rider.)

Also, mes amies, the site that I got my template from (pyzam) has a scam thing that pops up after you click out of it, so if you're the gullible type, steer clear.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I haven't enough sense...

..., quite literally, to come in out of the rain. I went for a leisurely hour-and-15-minute stroll around the beach in the downpour today. During the walk, I found myself belting out parts of "Saturate Me", "Rain Down", and, of course, "Singin' in the Rain". It was pretty amazing to watch the waves slamming themselves against the rocks down at the shore. Two people asked me if I was alright (because why would anyone not in trouble be trudging along in that gale?), and two more asked me if I needed a ride. You know that stereotype about women being the more compassionate gender? Baaaaloney. (Or maybe they're just smart enough to know that only ia very crazy person would be out there.) Oh yeah, mom asked me if I wanted a ride too, but she kinda has to say that.

It was funny to watch the birds trying to fly down by the water - they weren't exactly going in the direction I think they intended!
Not so funny was the moment when I decided that I was quite done rain-walking - because I was nowhere near my house. Spirits and clothes dampened (drenched, really), I plodded my way back to the house, where I had mom take a picture of my sodden self (it might end up posted here someday with the caption "What rain"?). It was an experience.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Anne Bradstreet was an amazing poet from ye olde tymes. Look her up and look for "An Author to Her Book" or "Verses Upon the Burning of Our House".

Went to Plato's Closet yesterday and goofed around with Sam and Liisle for awhile. (Hahahaha, matching lime-green dresses...:P Funny funny.) I found 2 black skirts, one boring and functional, the other rather cute - then went and got breadsticks.

1st chorus rehearsal today... fun :) I think I'm a soprano.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Por favor

Mes amies, if you would be so kind as to give me pictures - of yourself or both of us or all of us, I would be ever so grateful.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

[insert cliche title here]

Angi's song title :P Maybe I'll name my blog that...

Quiero escribir un post en espanol, pero nadie puede entender :/ Oh well.

Landon Pigg is sososososo amazing! I got "Made for Glory" for free from Amazon on Sunday, and that reminded me of the song Diisie showed me a while back - Falling in Love At a Coffee Shop... <3 <3 <3 If only his name wasn't so... yeah. Well, pobody's nerfect.
And the Music and Lyrics songs can be bought separately on iTunes now! :D I looove "Pop! Goes My Heart".

Friday, October 2, 2009

How do you like...

...the new look?