Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My goodness.

Tomorrow is my blogiversary! (A post of Jillian's made me realize this.)
A whole year. Hmm. What direction should it go for 2010? Any thoughts, people?

Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas, my lovely readers!
I hope that, in your haste to discover what loot awaited you this morning, you didn't forget for whom we celebrate. :)
I got a slew of nice stuff this Christmas... one of my favorite gifts was a sign that my dad made for me... It says, in fancy-ish black letters on a white background, "The Queen Is Not Amused". :D I like it ever so. I bought "Gravity" by Sean McDonald with my brand-spankin' new iTunes card today. I love that song. BUT, "His Favorite Christmas Story" by Capital Lights is simply wonderful... I cried the first time I heard it on the radio. I don't know if I'll buy it, though... I think it's just a bit odd to buy Christmas songs after Christmas.

Do you ever feel like you just don't really get it? I've heard so very much about Jesus' life and ministry, but for some reason my brain can't wrap itself around the fact that it actually happened. It's a side-effect of being a reader from my youth, I suppose... when one reads mostly fiction, it can be difficult to grasp the concept of reality. Grr. Even here, I'm using fancy words to try to impress people. Pray for me, please. Signin' off.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Epic weekend.
Sam's b-day party on Saturday :D I ate a ridiculous amount of garlic bread. Jackie, McKayla, Kristina, Sam, Diisle, and I were there, as well as some of Sam's family. We watched a lot of Taylor Swift videos and tried out Sam's snazzy new camera, then watched 13 Going on 30...   and Anneliise and I stayed up 'til around four having theological discussions. Thennn, a few hours later, we all headed off to church and delved into the story of David and Goliath (again). Later that day was the big choir performance - fun! It was, for the most part, a great success. And afterwards we had cookies :D
Ohhh yeah... did you know that Americans spend enough money on ice cream each year to provide basic health care, nutrition, and water for the whole world? 0_0 20 billion dollars...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Titleless. Not.

I've just been immersed in great music lately... including, but certainly not limited to:
*American Dream - Casting Crowns
*Stand for You - Jonny Diaz
*Barlow Girls - Superchick (This might just be my new theme song :P)
School has been taking FOREVER. Today I had a bit of an excuse because I had to write an outline and a 600-word character analysis for English, but I'm just really frustrated by the amount of time that I waste. *sigh*
Turkey Bowl was funnn :D I actually caught the ball. Unfortunately, I was so surprised that I just stood there and someone ripped off my flag :/ but my team won (because Jorgen is The Awesomer.)
Youth group today was different, but cool. We just worshiped... watched a "Best of Planet Earth" video of some of earth's wonders, sang, and prayed a lot.
QOTD: "Lord... You are so much bigger than any words that exist on this earth..." (Or something to that effect. I thought it was really profound.) ~ Samantha
SOTD: Just Love You Like I Love You - Alexon