Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Youth group is aaaaawesome!

Firstoff, we discussed names - GIMP (God Is My Power) and HeRose are the main contenders, but I think GIMP is gonna win 'cuz no one really likes HeRose except Brigitta, and she's not even in high school yet =P

Then we played egg jousts, which was...interesting, to say the least. The "rider" put a knee-high with an egg in it on their head and mounted their steed (I got to be the steed, thankfully), and the riders try to break the egg on the other person's head with a foam sword. Anneliise got so much egg in her hair! 
After the lesson we played the Kan-kan ( fun game - ring of people holding little ropes, like this: person(rope)person(rope) etc. The goal is to make the other people let go or touch the garbage can set up in the middle of the ring.)... AND I GOT TO THE FINAL ROUND TWICE! I was going against Jorgen in the first one and Stefan in the second. Sheesh, I almost beat the brawny boys! I was amazed O_o 
I sorta got hit in the face (an accident, most likely) but I kept going. I never let go - I just barely touched the can. I guess that makes me the best girl at the Kan-kan =P

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So sad pt. 2 (but it's worse =( )

I missed an amazingly awesome party last night =(  x 1 gazillion

It was for Jorgen's 18th and it was a medieval murder mystery (Liise was the killer... it usually turns out that way =P) They also played sardines and other games like that. AND THE ONLY REASON I MISSED IT WAS 'CUZ I DIDN'T CHECK MY EMAIL! I just found out about it today and I was so bummed... I had the perfect dress for it, too.
I did get to go to the mall with some of the peoples from youth group though, and we got Pizza My Heart and did a quick lesson. And I got 6 pairs of earrings and a ring at Claire's... I found my mismatched treble & note earrings! I think it was the last pair too =D
And I helped out in the nursery at the meeting, which was suspiciously uneventful. It rarely goes that well, I think. Only one baby cried and she was the youngest. I guess I'm pretty good with kids, after all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Very sad

I've lost my color match earbud cover... where can I get a purple earbud cover? HELP! 

Okay, it's a bit melodramatic, but I hate it when I lose things. I lost my earring at winter camp and I know I'll never see it again... 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

rarrr! continued

Really, though, we're talking about an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being here - if evolution happened, God caused it to happen that way. Actually, I should clarify... I have been so confused as to what people mean when they say evolution - do they mean macroevolution, where apparently something came from nothing and became  what we are today, or do they mean microevolution, which is just another way of saying changes within species? Everyone knows that species adapt - life would be impossible without this provision. But macroevolution just doesn't make sense - life never comes from nonlife. If science were still where it was before Redi's experiment that disproved spontaneous generation in the 17th century, macroevolution would be a scientifically viable theory; but, as I said, life never comes from nonlife. 


People can be pretty dumb sometimes. I mean, come on! Putting 'atheism' under interests? Actually, I find atheism interesting too... or rather, people who actually believe that it is possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. There is no satisfactory theory devised by evolutionists to explain the origins of the earth. Everything that begins to exist has a cause outside of itself; since we're talking about nature, this must be a supernatural cause. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Singin' in the Rain (in my head)

It's so cold/rainy... why am I not depressed? And my iPod just happened to be on 'Dogfood' by Five Iron Frenzy =D AND I'm going to my first day of work @ SWD, AND I'm going to a skating party/ Me me me... I need to shut up about myself (even though the point of blogs, I think, is to talk about oneself). Hmmm... what else can I talk about? Suggestions? Oh yeah, google "most boring blog"... it's pretty funny =P