Monday, February 9, 2009

The Notebook

I just saw The Notebook last night - it was (mostly) sooo cute! I love her outfits, and Noah is soOo attractive. I just wish they hadn't ruined it with the inapp. scenes... 

ARGH! filing all of this stuff is driving me nuts! I think Ingrid forgot to give me some crucial papers necessary to do an adequate job, and I will have to go back and do a lot of it again >=O x 5 million bajillion and 7

Sunday, February 8, 2009

AWWWWWWW! Darn it.

I lost a follower. Was it something I said? Oh well, if ya don't like me, ya don't like me. Can't do anything about it.

on another note - I've spent over $35 in the past few days! And all I got was a shirt and some hair stuff. That's an INSANELY huge amount of money. For me. I get five bucks a week for allowance, okay? And my job only pays me in dance lessons. I spent 5 hours working today ._.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am so mad.

The Fray is ticking me off. They're being complete jerks about being pursued by Christian magazines for cover stories. Front man Isaac Slade said that they "said no, and tried to distance themselves from them, but they just kept on coming..." And he thought it would be a good plan to call God an ... never mind. Suffice it to say, this is not something you want to call the boss of the universe. Look, dude, if you're gonna claim to be a Christian, how 'bout not going around maligning the one you worship? 


Stayed up too late last night... I went to Santa Cruz for <3 Thee Makeout Party's gig (in a bar, The Crepe Place). Lots of fun =) I just wish they had played "Pauline"... it's one of my favorite songs of theirs.

 Some random guy went around and gave all of the girls yellow roses - mine is sitting on the washer  in a water bottle. Got back 20 before midnight and read til 1:30, hence the title. I got to sleep in a bit though. All in all, a nice little adventure.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

STINK! Stink stink stink.

AarRRghHh! The Steelers won! The Cardinals so deserved it. The party was such fun though... Brigitta and I raided the costume closet while we waited for the SB to start. Liise, Gitta, and I all got to wear aprons and bake for the boys and be "domestic" =P We made taquitos & brownies, and we wore our aprons down to the store (can't have brownies without milk =)   ).     It was so thrilling when the Cardinals got that touchdown at 2 1/2 minutes to go, but I wish they had made it last just a little longer. The Steelers are so awful and violent! "Hey, I'm gonna punch you in the face (helmet, actually) for no reason at all, except that I'm stupid and care nothing for the penalty that I'm obviously going to get." 

I also learned how to write my name *wink, wink* Thanks, GiGi =P